Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Snowpocalypse 2011

Everyone seems to be tired of the snow already, and it's understandable considering some of the drifts amount to as much as four feet. I'm taking this time, though, to make lasting memories. I'm not sure I've ever seen this much snow, and since it's been called the storm of the century, chances are I won't live to see another like it.

I've been thinking about the last few days and what we will take from it as we go on with life. Will we be watching the weather ten years down the road and say, "Remember when we had that blizzard in 2011?" Maybe we'll talk about how much snow we had, or how cold and windy it was, but I've been trying to make the most of it, and I hope we talk about more exciting things.

Maybe we'll remember how we went to Wal-Mart the day before the big storm to get milk and stock up on snacks. I hope we'll remember going up to Roweton's store on the square and buying Chloe's first sled. We'll talk about how we went out the first morning in six inches of snow and thought it was "so deep!" We have sledding pictures, but will we remember Chloe taking her first nose-dive into the snow?

I'll probably give the Mister a hard time about how he just "had" to go meet his brother to play football and ended up getting stuck, and how I never ONCE said, "I told you so!" Maybe we'll roll our eyes at the Mister's dad's inability to take just ONE day off work. I'll probably remind him how he couldn't sit still, and went and played tractor under the guise of "clearing the driveway."

We'll laugh when someone remembers Jessie the Cow Dog jumping right into a snow drift and having to jump out backwards. Then I'll pull out the picture of Sadie standing right on the road up to her shoulders in snow.

We'll look over the pictures in awe, seeing my car nearly covered in snow, and drifts wasit-high right in our front yard!

We'll talk about how we played Cootie and Hi-Ho Cherry-o, how we danced our booties off on the Wii, and made chocolate chip cookies...then were bored the rest of the week because we did everything we could think of on the first day ;)

This is one of those times I'll probably tell my grand-kids about time and time again as my memory fails. They'll tell Chloe, "Geez, Mom, Grandma was telling us about the big 2011 blizzard again!" She'll smile, and hopefully she'll remember it just enough to say, "Well, it WAS pretty extraordinary."

Enjoy the snow, and stay warm!

1 comment:

  1. Snow does make for some good memories when your a kid. I remember making snow forts and my mom flipping out that it might collapse on us and we'd be burried!
