Friday, February 18, 2011

Happy Friday! It's Another 5QF

It's FRIDAY again!!!!  It snuck up on me this week. I honestly didn't realize it was Friday until I opened my Blogger dashboard and saw Mama M's 5QF. And THAT made me HAPPY!!!!!!!!  We are taking Chloe to see Gnomeo and Juliet tonight, and I absolutely can't wait! I taught Romeo and Juliet three years, and I just love it. I look forward to all the little jokes and parodies that other people might not even get. Then tomorrow is dress shopping! Yeah, you heard it here first. The big wedding dress hunt. I'm taking my MOH, my MOM, my MIL and my daughter. Should be a good day!

As for WWL, I have yet to weigh in this morning, quite frankly because I'm skeerd. Last week I gained a pound, and I am worried I may have gained again rather than losing. Eesh. This is why that darned Wii Fit and I got into it in the first place. I just couldn't take its disappointment and judgments! Ok. Anyway. It's time for Five Question Friday :) Enjoy.

1. Have you worn the same outfit more than one day in a row?
Wellll kinda. See my primary wardrobe consists of athletic pants/shorts and t-shirts through the week. If, however, we go somewhere, I will don my jeans and boots, and a nicer shirt. If I wear said "nicer" outfit in the evening, or just to go one place, I will likely hang it back in my closet and possibly wear it again the following day. But it hasn't had its day's worth of wearing yet, so I don't think it really counts.  Right? Ok. Thought you'd agree with me on that one.
Normally, though, I drive my own-self (like that word?) crazy with my own laundry. I get up in the morning and put on either clean pj pants/shirt, or my athletic shorts/pants. If I work out, I will put on clean athletic shorts/pants/jeans whatever after I shower, and if we go somewhere, I might change again before we leave. Most of the time alllll those clothes end up in the laundry. Then I put on clean pjs at night. I get angry and yell at myself, but myself doesn't seem to care that I do ALL the laundry and it wouldn't hurt myself to wear my pjs or clothes more than a few hours before declaring them "dirty."  :)

2. If you had to choose any LARGE city to live in, which would it be?
UGH. I don't want to live in ANY city much less a LARGE one. Blah! But if you're going to hold a gun to my head and MAKE me choose, I'd choose Pensacola. Does that qualify as "large?" Probably not to you, but to me it DOES. And if you're going to drag me to the city and FORCE me to stay there, I better have beach and lots of it. And I want a beach house on the outskirts. But really....don't make me go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love love love being out in the country and living closest to a "city" that has nothing more than a school and a Casey's. Love it.

3. Fly or drive with the kids on vacation?
Hmm. I've never flown with a child, but I have driven with a three-year-old and it was rather pleasant. I had a Nana on board, which helped a lot, and for the most part it was a good experience. I like driving because I like to take my time getting to my destination and have the freedom to leave early or stay an extra night without a hassle. Plus then I have my car at said destination and don't have to rent/taxi/bus everywhere. I think I would continue to drive, at least whilst I only have one child. Plus it's much less expensive, even with the outrageous gas prices.
4. What is your idea of "spring cleaning"?
Hmph. I don't really do A spring cleaning. I do de-clutter, dust EVERYTHING, and make sure there's "a place for everything, and everything in its place." I switch my closet around, moving winter attire to the back and springy things to the front, with the in-between I wash the comforters and couch blankies and mattress covers. Transition from flannel sheets to regular sheets, and scrub the floors/stove/fridge/cabinets/sink/toilet/tub. BUT. I don't do it all at once as ONE big spring cleaning. I just try to get all of the above done sometime between the end of winter and mowing season :)

5. What is the best book you have ever read?
There you go again, asking me about READING. Ugh. I've read a lot of books I really liked, and like I've told you before, most of them I enjoy as I read, then never give them another look. I do remember, however, when I was in high school, reading Accident by Danielle Steele in one night, and re-reading it several times after that. I also used to read Seventeen Summer by Maureen Daly over and over again. I'm not sure what it was, but there was just something about that book I absolutely LOVED. It was written in the 40s I believe, so you wouldn't think a late 90s girl would feel a connection, but it really proved that a seventeen year-old girl goes through many of the same things, no matter what decade she occupies. Ah. I loved it. Maybe I need to find it and own it. Otherwise, I've either really liked every book I ever finished (because if it doesn't "have me" I don't finish it).
Have a happy Friday!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I will have to look up Accident, I have not read that one yet :)

    Stopping by from 5 Question Friday!
