Friday, November 26, 2010

A Black Friday Tale

Happy Black Friday! Thanksgiving is over, and if you're my Facebook friend you know I am glad. I was a little grumpy this year, because my little family was all going separate ways. In the end I got to keep my Chloshmo all weekend, and had a good meal with my mama and bubby. I met Mister Mister back here late in the afternoon, and after making the living room "tree-ready", we decided to do some late night door-busters.

I had an e-mail that said if I was among the first 30,000 people to check in to Toys R Us via Facebook starting at 9:30 (but before the doors opened at 10:00) I would receive a special reward. I had my Facebook Places ready to go and clicked in right at 9:30. I was pleasantly surprised with a 15% off coupon that is good starting Monday. That little coupon will save me more than any of their Black Friday deals :)  We had intentions of going in, but when we got in line at ten, and at ten thirty were still out by the highway (in a line that wrapped around the building and wove through the parking lot) we decided NOTHING in that store was worth the wait.

We went over to WalMart to kill time. The midnight sale had lots of things we were interested in. Much to our surprise, WalMart was very quiet, and they had ALLLLLLL their midnight items out already. We filled our carts and were done by eleven. We had to waste time until 12:01, when the deals took effect, and were SO glad we'd arrived early. Most everything we wanted was sold out before midnight, and by eleven thirty the place was buzzing with crazies!

We stood by the checkouts, securing a place at the front of the line. We waited there about thirty minutes. Just before midnight an older lady came through our line from the back side. She told the cashier she had "regular" items she'd like to purchase. She also had Black Friday items, and intended to "waste" enough time ringing up her regular stuff to make it to the special pricing. We were quite irritated that this old biddy cut the line under false pretenses, but we weren't near as irritated as the kind lady behind us :)

Aftetr the CSM told the lady she might as well wait because her items wouldn't be good until midnight (to no avail) the lady behind me approached the cutter.
"Excuse me," she said with a polite smile. "I'm not trying to be a bitch by any means, but it's going to be extremely rude if you cut in front of all these people who've been lined up here for forty-five minutes." The lady said something and pointed to her toilet paper. The patient lady got a little hot, and told her it didn't matter if she picked up one regular item, that she had Black Friday things and should have to go to the end of the line. The lady refused, and Nice Lady came back to tell everyone the story (in a rather loud voice). "Oh she's decided to be a real bitch. She thinks she can just go throw toilet paper in her cart and cut the line because it's not on sale. Guess I'll remember that little trick next year!" she exclaimed.

I giggled, and took Chloe to the car so she wouldn't see the things I'd snuck into my cart. On our way out she exclaimed in her most appalled voice, "MOM! That lady just cutted in front of Bryan! Can you believe that?" The men walking into the store got a great kick out of her enthusiastic berating. "I KNOW!" I said, encouraging her. "That's not bery nice! You shouldn't cut in front of other people," she explianed.  While we waited, Bryan (what a trooper!) checked out all our items. We got some good deals, and we helped Santa out, too ;) We were on our way home by 12:10 and were snug in bed when all the real crazies went out this morning :)

NOW. Did you think we weren't doing questions JUST because it's Black Friday???  Of course we are!!!!!!!!  Here we go!

1. What is your favorite part of a Thanksgiving meal?
My absolute favorite thing about Thanksgiving is pumpkin pie. BUT since we're going to talk about pie on question four, and since it's not technically part of the "meal," I will tell you my next favorite thing.

Mama's noodles. Mmmmmmm she makes them from scratch, cooks them in all those yummy turkey juices, and they are to die for. I love them. Her sister's are amazing as well, and I hope one day I will be able to do the Lusby noodles justice.

2. Are you a host or a guest for Thanksgiving this year?
A guest. I've always been a guest. This year was very low-key, just dinner with my mama and bubby. Next year Bryan and I hope to have Thanksgiving so we will all be together. We will see how it goes :)

3. When you think of one Thanksgiving tradition, what comes to mind?
When I was younger it was always the Macy's parade. I loved watching it. Also, Charlie Brown Thanksgiving on TV and, of course, decking the halls. Thanksgiving day/weekend has always been our tree-trimming time (you know I can never pick "just one").

4. You have two pieces of pie in front of you and you HAVE to eat you choose pumpkin or pecan?
PUMPKIN. I don't even LOOK at any other desserts at Thanksgiving. I LOVE pumpkin pie, and always have. I want it ice cold and smothered with Cool-Whip. I eat it for dessert, I eat it for breakfast, and I eat it after (and between) every meal until it's gone. I even had pumpkin pie for my January birthday one year. My mom has always made me my very own pie, and I eat every last bit of it :)

5. Are you a Black Friday Shopper?

I participated this year because the "small" stuff was at WalMart at midnight (I knew the REAL crazy people would be there closer to 5am). I wouldn't have got up at four for any of it. I went hardcore one time, and have never had the desire to do it again. I'm too impatient and too cold-blooded to last through it. Oh and I have that whole people-claustrophobia thing. And intolerance for idiots :)

If you are, in fact one of those "idiots," play fair, have fun, and remember the reason for the season. No amount of money is worth losing your character (if you have any...he he).


  1. Good ending thought! You are right.. no money is worth it.

  2. I feel the exact same way you do about pumpkin pie. My birthday is always at Thanksgiving time (sometimes it's ON Thanksgiving), so I'm totally okay with having a pumpkin pie as my birthday cake. Mmm.

  3. Amy- Glad someone sees it my way. There are still a few people with REAL Christmas spirit out there :)

    Val- Thanks for letting me know I'm not the only person putting candles on a pumpkin pie :)
