Friday, April 13, 2012

5QF: mowing and spaghetti...what more could I ask for??

It's Friday, yay! Hubbs and I are holding down the shop by ourselves today, and this weekend is our anniversary weekend :) I'm so pregnant and the weather's so nasty there isn't a lot we can do, but all the Mister's family and Chloe will be gone this weekend so we will be totally on our own for two days. I can't wait!
Until then, I'll pass some time with 5QF.

1. Who mows your grass?
I do! I do! I love to mow. Even 9 months pregnant you can drive by our house and see me bouncing my baby bump around on the lawn mower. It's my me time. I can plug in my ear phones, listen to my "mow" play list (Jamey Johnson, beachy songs, Hank Jr, and I'm Yours are my MUST LISTEN songs) and just ride, not being interrupted or bothered. Hubby is kind enough to take care of the weeds, and since I've been pregnant he's been mowing the ditches and the steep parts. He mowed while I was visiting family a couple of weekends ago and I pouted for two days. He laughed and told me I had to be the only wife who would throw a fit and get mad because her husband mowed the yard :) And yet he still loves me.

2. Do you have a picture wall or picture gallery in your house (show us! <--- my addition to the question)?
I have a few pictures on the two "big" walls in our living room. I really want to make a picture wall in the dining area, but right now it's occupied by turkey fans and a coon. I'm not sure my picture wall will fit into our woodsy themed decor =/

I have a really cute frame set that I want to put up, but again with the not matching. Maybe one day we will re-do our room and I can do one in there :) Until then, it's just the most important pictures above the couch, and a hodge-podge of eclectic shots and mis-matched frames on a built-in bookshelf in the hall.

3. What book has influenced your thinking the most? Or, what blog? (I want to read what gets people thinking!)
I don't think there is any book or blog that I would say influences my thinking. There are books and blogs that make me think. Some of which have been "The Deadline," "The Five People You Meet in Heaven," and "The Atonement Child" as well as Mama M (most specifically her "Talkin' Shop" posts) and Chibi Jeebs because she just gets it, and always has a fresh perspective :)

4. Do you have allergies? If so, how do you handle it this time of year?
I do. And with the mowing, they are even worse (and yet I still LOVE it!). My fall allergies are worse than my summer ones, but they all give me fits. Alamast eye drops and Benadryl are my friends.

5. What's your go to meal to cook in an hurry?
Spaghetti and tacos. Hubby doesn't care for spaghetti, Chlo and I don't really like tacos, so we eat them on the same night. I come home, grab a bag of burger, fry it up and boil my noodles. I take out a little meat for our spaghetti, then make the taco meat for hubbs and we have a meal ready lickety split. I always keep spaghetti and taco fixin's on hand so we can have a dinner in a pinch.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your pregnancy and good luck with delivery! I am pregnant too, 23 weeks with a little girl. Have a great weekend!
