I've known all along this baby had a mind of her own. From day one she has been completely different from my daughter and my first pregnancy in every way. I was sick and lost 18lbs the first 6 months (and still medicate for that), we almost lost her at 13 weeks, she gave me gall bladder trouble, plagued me with Braxton Hicks, and has been unusually active in-utero.
So why would I be surprised when she decided to make her entrance (or lack-there-of) just as dramatic and just as much on HER terms.
Friday morning I woke up at about 6:30 and was having contractions. No big deal. Like I said, I've been having them for well over a month and they've not been anything alarming. It was unusual, though, because usually they are sparked by excessive walking, being more active than normal, or doing a lot of bending (aka laundry). I'd been under strict orders to take it easy and stay off my feet this past week because I was already 3cm and my Doc didn't want me delivering this week.
On top of that, my mom would be out of town Friday and Saturday, and the entire Chaney clan was scheduled to be gone Saturday and Sunday. So it was an inopportune time for bebe. And I took it easy. Nothing sparked these babies except for, well, the bebe and her strong will.
I monitored them throughout the morning when I noticed they weren't stopping. I had gone on to work (I stay off my feet better there than at home hehe) and by lunch time they were 10-12 minutes apart. I rode with hubby to get gravel after lunch, and told him that I might go home, because they were coming about every 8 mins now and I thought I should rest. He didn't seem too concerned, and they weren't really painful, so I waited.
By 2 I decided to call my doctor's office. I was becoming paranoid about everyone being gone the next day, and thought I'd feel better if she'd just check me. When I told the nurse the situation, she explained that my doctor was out of the office, and that she'd like me to go be monitored for an hour or so at the hospital. They would be able to watch the contractions and check me, and I could have some peace of mind.
When I arrived I was 4cm, which didn't surprise me since I'd been 3 on Monday. I was having contractions about every 6 minutes. The nurse had me go walk for an hour, then wanted to check me again at 3:30.
When she checked me again, I was 5cm and still contracting. She called Dr. B who was on call, and he told her to admit me.
"You're not going anywhere, missy," she told me. She and the other nurses began to (somewhat frantically) prepare the room. They stocked the closet and then they put a sheet and blanket in a baby bed and wheeled it in. And that did it for me.
I called hubbs at work and told him the final verdict, instructed him what to do with Miss Chloe and had him get my things. He was there within an hour.
In the mean time the nurse had blown two of my veins (OUCH!) (and possibly blamed me for it??? that's for another story), got another nurse to IV me correctly, and asked about my birth plan (nurses and drugs, remember?). She was talking like we could expect Bebe before morning.
Bebe would've been 22 days early, but they didn't seem concerned. 37 weeks is considered term, and even though she is small, they were confident she'd be ok.
When hubby arrived he explained the situation with Chloe, we discussed what to do with her for the remainder of the weekend, and we informed our families about what was happening. Then he pulled out the baby name book.
"We have to name this baby," he said, smiling. We talked for a couple of hours off and on, and I'm pleased to tell you that bebe actually HAS a name now :)
My contractions began picking up in intensity, and were beginning to make me uncomfortable.
Hubby's family came later in the evening and brought Chloe for a visit. They took hubby to get some dinner and then came by to say goodbye and drop off some drinks for me. By that time I was sure I was in the beginning stages of labor. I was uncomfortable with my contractions, they were coming about 3 minutes apart, and I was getting irritable ;)
By the time they checked me at 10:30, though, I hadn't changed a bit. They called Dr. B and he said to keep me overnight for sure. The nurse had asked him if they could break my water or something to move things along, but he said no. Being only 37 weeks they didn't want to take even the slightest chance of forcing her if her lungs weren't ready. I understood, but felt that delivery was going to happen either way, so was hoping they would help it along in that way.
Dr. B said to watch me over night.
And as the night progressed, my contractions became less uncomfortable.
And then farther apart.
And at about the same rate she got me to the height of that situation, she took me right back to square one.
Dr. B. said I was welcome to stay or go home, whatever was my desire, and was completely surprised that this had happened. He explained that if I were a couple weeks farther along he would break my water and it would be done, but he knew forcing it wasn't a good idea (plus I know my doctor would also disapprove of that, especially since she wasn't there). I agreed with him and told him I'd rather go home. He told me goodbye, and said he wouldn't be surprised to see me back in a day or two, but explained I could go longer than that. Stranger things have happened.
So we came home. We were exhausted and uncomfortable. I hadn't eaten in 24 hours, was needing my meds from home for nausea and heart burn, and was soooooooo tired.
On the way home I had grand plans of finishing up some things around the house, eating some food, going for a walk, and maybe even mowing (among other things...winky wink hehe) to spur her back into a pattern.
But as soon as I finished my sandwich and got comfy on the couch every bit of that planned changed. I just wanted to sleep.
And sleep I did :)
People consoled me and sent sweet messages and phone calls my way. I appreciated them very much. I was commended on my high spirits and my ability to 'keep it together' after having to come home empty-handed.
But the truth was that even though I WAS very disappointed (really it was the made-up baby bed that got my mommy clock tickin') I was so glad to be home. I know that no one has ever stayed pregnant forever, and at the most I have 3 weeks to go. Being 5 cm makes me believe I won't go nearly that long. So I know she's coming.
Hubby and I had the luxury of a test-run. We worked out some kinks. We know what we forgot and have it packed, now. We know what we needed to do at home and have it done now. We realized no one packed a bag for Chloe, and we have her ready now.
And we named our baby :)
So when we do go, even if it's in the middle of the night, we are better prepared than we were. Every day we wait is a day for her to grow and get stronger, and a day to relieve some of my anxiety over the possibility she's not ready. And. I have hope that MY doctor will be the one delivering her, which would not have been the case this weekend. Also? Our entire family won't be out of town anytime in the next 3 weeks.
In the end, I try not to look at it as time wasted, but as a saving grace. It was a learning experience. It was better safe than sorry (because Lord knows if Hubbs had gone out of town she would've come full steam ahead...we already know this girl's personality!), and it was productive, even if not in the way of bringing home a baby.
Now I wait. Patiently as I can :)
Can't wait to "meet" her!
Love this post. :) I cannot wait to find out your daughter's name and see pictures of her sweet face!!