Thursday, September 24, 2009

Get your shoesies, get your sockies, and hurry run to school (boom boom)

The title of my blog today is a song my brother and I made up years and years ago. It really had nothing to do with school for us, it was just a stupid song we sang when we needed to get our shoes on for something. My mom brought it out of the depths of her memory and taught it to Chloe, who now sings it (and varies the items she's 'getting') when she leaves to go somewhere.

On Monday, October 5th, she'll be singing it as she gets ready for her first day of pre-school! Chloe was accepted into the Calhoun Pre-K program. Think pre-school meets daycare.

The program allows children day care as well as pre-school taught by certified Pre-K teachers. It is open (and charges) on Calhoun school days only. While the thought of taking Chloe from Kindra, who has helped me raise her while I had no choice but to work is sad, I'm very excited for this opportunity for Chloe.

In her own words, "I'll have mine own teacher, an I'll get to play on a playground, and maybe paint!" She got the news yesterday, and by coincidence her new jeans came in the mail. "OH MOM! You got me new school clothes!" she exclaimed.

My baby girl is growing up!

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